Back to Pegolí

Time really flies when you’re not doing much, doesn’t it? Here I am, almost at the end of my Dénia stay, and I still haven’t managed to get back to that spot where Sagra and I hung out and that I promised myself would be the place I’d come back to often to read and chill. So it took me a couple or three weeks, so what … Finally, I got myself organized and headed out to remedy that. It is a decent walk there, about 45 minutes, but I hardly felt it since it was such a beautiful day: not too hot, not too cold. Just perfect.

My faves

I stopped to take more pictures of the flora, especially of the gorgeous bougainvillea adorning one of the old fishermen cottages. I never get tired of this shrub. But bougainvillea isn’t the only flower making a statement here. The wild flowers lined little hidden rocky beaches where the incredible colours of the sea offset the copper colours of the rocks. I felt very envious of the residents of the little white cottages; their daily views are so emblematic of the Mediterranean lifestyle.


I spent a couple of hours on my favourite bench under my favourite palm tree, enjoying the sun on my (maskless) face. This time was just enough to restore my energy for the long walk back that did not feel that long at all. I must be getting used to these distances, I guess.

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