Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza Floor 1

The first floor of Thyssen had even more works of art that I love. This is where many of the Impressionists and Post-Impressionists were, even some non-German Expressionists that didn’t make the temporary exhibition. I know I didn’t hit each and every room on the first floor, I was getting a little tired … OK, very tired and hungry … so I may have gone through few rather quickly, if at all. I think they build these museums so big and jam them so full of wonders that you have no choice but keep going back over and over again to see what you missed the time before or to visit your favourites. I plan to go back as often as I possibly can.

The Prints by Henri Manguín, 1905

I won’t babble on too much but I really did enjoy everything here too. One little observation I’d like to make, however, is that I found the frames of the paintings almost as intriguing as the paintings themselves. It sometimes felt that the simpler the subject, the more elaborate the frame, and vice versa. I hope you will enjoy my little gallery below, it includes a little of everything.

As I walked out of the building, happy to have seen so much, sad I had to go, I found there was some more beauty outside. There were a number of large camellia bushes next to the museum, very happily showing me that they too were pleasing to the eye. And they were, oh, they were.

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