Escollera Sur

It was time to revisit the new marina and its long, elevated boardwalk, lined with restaurants and offering great views. When I came here with Sagrario previously, we didn’t go to the very end of the jetty so that was my primary goal. The route to the Escollera Sur, as it’s called, is longer than I had remembered it, and includes walking along the Real Club Nautico Dénia and its massive parking lots (so not very exciting). Fortunately, the weather was, again, lovely if a little windy. I had not realized how windy until I got to the boardwalk, but I had little choice and marched on.

More castle views

This southern jetty is shorter than the northern one, and the dice-like concrete blocks have been replaced by large rocks. The red lighthouse is also smaller than its green counterpart but, to me, it was more picturesque. Once again, I took advantage of the quiet space and sat down to read my book for a while, or at least until more people showed up. What’s up with that? Every time I decide to go somewhere isolated, as soon as I begin enjoying my solitude (aka peace and quiet), other people show up to ruin it all. I can’t win 😉.

Red lighthouse

Truth be told, it got a bit chilly and I got a bit hungry too so I decided to sample the menu of one of the restaurants on the boardwalk, Mala Vita. I got one of the tables lining the walkway, though I probably should have asked for one that was somewhat shielded from the wind by a plastic protective wall. Wanting an unobstructed view won out, however, so I had to resign myself to deal with the wind. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I originally thought plus the meal was pretty good. I also had some cute (feathered) eating companions. All in all, it was a very nice way to spend an afternoon. Judging by how many people were also enjoying it with me, I expect this to be a very popular spot to meet with friends and/or loved ones to take in the views and have a pint or two.

A beef skillet at Mala Vita

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